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Siying Chen

GIS, sustainable transportation, and more livable cities please.

  1. ArcGIS REST Service Parser

    ArcGIS REST Service Parser is an Oracle SQL-driven application I designed for managing published ArcGIS REST Services. …

  2. Handling KMLs for Web GIS

    Here is some practice I made to load KMLs in Web GIS. In my case, I compared two ways of handling a KML file that contains a KML overlay tag. …

  3. Creating Customizable Symbology Function for Web GIS

    Creating a symbol editing window on the Web GIS Application simply mimics the process of symbolozing a layer in ArcMap Desktop. Users can symbolize feature layers in different ways depending on the type of data. …

  4. Developing a Geometry Clipping Algorithm in Java

    Suppose we have a polygon and we’d like to clip a section of its boundary a pair of starting and ending coordinates that are very close to the boundary. How are we going to handle that? First, we probably need some function to “snap” the starting and ending points to the polygon boundary. Then we do the clipping with two points that actually lie on the polygon boundary. …

  5. Agent-based Spatial Pattern Modeling Using NetLogo Part 2

    I developed this model to simulate simple random motion and biased random motion within constrained space. The major difference with the previous model is that this model loads pre-created GIS data to generate NetLogo data. …

  6. Agent-based Spatial Pattern Modeling Using NetLogo Part 1

    I developed this model to simulate the interaction between two groups of agents (or breeds), turtles and grass. This model was inspired by the “Wolf Sheep Predation Model”. …

  7. Mapping the Food Environment Project

    Mapping the Food Environment project is initiated by the OSU Food Mapping Team, an interdisciplinary group of OSU researchers and community stakeholders who share an interest in using mapping and spatial analysis to gain a deeper understanding of food environment in central Columbus. …

  8. Spatial Point Pattern Analysis Using K-Function

    This python-based program examines the spatial pattern of airports in California by using K-function. The airport data at the National Atlas website includes more than 900 points in the country. This program uses airports in California as a subset to analyze the spatial pattern of these airports. …